Capa HitouAjudou.jpeg


Personal Project



It's a tradition on Twitter: whenever a tweet hits (from the brazilian neoverb "hitar": go viral, make it successful), the author uses the comment from that tweet to ask for something (usually Instagram followers), since there are a lot of people watching it.

The idea of #HitouAjudou is to use this “showcase” to publicize people and small businesses affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

Guys, I want to take advantage of this hit to promote a page that has a really cool purpose! @hitouajudou intends to publicize businesses that are experiencing difficulties with hits on Twitter using #HitouAjudou. Access the page if you can.

Guys, I want to take advantage of this hit to promote a page that has a really cool purpose! @hitouajudou intends to publicize businesses that are experiencing difficulties with hits on Twitter using #HitouAjudou. Access the page if you can.

Hey guys: look the #HitouAjudou page to help people who are in need with this pandemic.

Hey guys: look the #HitouAjudou page to help people who are in need with this pandemic.

Taking advantage of the fact that this tweet became famous, I'm going to promote a local business. Give a little help and also get to know the @HitouAjudou project.

Taking advantage of the fact that this tweet became famous, I'm going to promote a local business. Give a little help and also get to know the @HitouAjudou project.

Your likes can make a big difference for those in need.

Your likes can make a big difference for those in need.

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-29 at 20.49.19.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-29 at 20.49.17.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-29 at 20.49.18 (2).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-06-29 at 20.49.18 (1).jpeg
Memes help spread small businesses

Memes help spread small businesses

Hitou Ajudou is the new tool that helps small business on Twitter

Hitou Ajudou is the new tool that helps small business on Twitter

Project wants to promote small business

Project wants to promote small business

Hitou Ajudou Project uses viral tweets comments to publicize small business

Friends create social network project to help small business during the pandemic

Friends create social network project to help small business during the pandemic

Your likes can make a big difference for those in need.

Your likes can make a big difference for those in need.

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-22 at 12.32.39.jpeg