Personal Project
It's a tradition on Twitter: whenever a tweet hits (from the brazilian neoverb "hitar": go viral, make it successful), the author uses the comment from that tweet to ask for something (usually Instagram followers), since there are a lot of people watching it.
The idea of #HitouAjudou is to use this “showcase” to publicize people and small businesses affected by the covid-19 pandemic.
RT @PauloVieiraReal: “Tia, seu dedo tá inchando…” “DÁ NADA NÃO, JÁ BOTEI CEBOLA”
RT @bethmoreno: Idade: Jovem pra tomar vacina, velha pra ser assintomática.
Alô RIO DE JANEIRO DOCES maravitops pra começar a semana no pique gastronômico #HitouAjudou